Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Golf Course Vandalism!

An unfortunate event occurred Tuesday night/Wednesday morning on the golf course, vandals decided to drive their car on the golf course causing some obvious damage.  Number 16 and 18 greens were driven on with the intent rip up the playing surface. Thankfully, only superficial damage occurred to the greens.  Tees that were rutted and driven on include 7,15 and 18.  Fairways 16 and 18 were rutted up as well.  My staff has already taken the steps this morning to promote the recovery process of the playing surfaces.  The greens were aerated with very small aerating tines and triple rolled to smooth out for play and will continue to be rolled and modified to smooth out to the original condition.  There is going to be a period of time here where it will be bumpy through these areas.  Please try to avoid playing on these areas as they need a rest to heal up quickly.  Thank you for you cooperation as we get through this unfortunate turn of events.

Mike O'Neill, GCS

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A New And Much Improved Pond.

The pond on hole #8 was recently dug out with the use of two different excavators.  This pond, as everyone knows, has been a major eye sore for a very long time.  The pond had silted over to the point that the fountain aerator could barely operate in the middle of the pond, not to mention the terrible smell!  We rented a few excavators and hired a truck to haul the material out for us.  The end result after removing roughly 400 yards of material, is a pond that not only looks and smells a whole lot better but a pond that will function properly.  The area will remain marked as a "Ground Under Repair" until the surrounding area heals up to be playable.

Mike O'Neill, GCS