Monday, February 25, 2013

Improving The Weakest links On The Golf Course

Well here we are just about into March as I write this, with snow on the ground we look ahead to the warmer days of spring.  While looking ahead, we as a maintenance staff plan how we can improve the golf course every year while mainly targeting the weakest parts of the course.  This spring we are planning a few projects that will drastically improve weak areas of the course.  The first project we will address with regards to the master plan will be re-doing the 11 men's tee.  The tee is very uneven and thinned turf exists there as a result of a wear and shade issues from the trees to the east and west effecting morning and late afternoon sunlight to the tee.  Bottom line is...Trees and quality turf do not coexist.  We will level, re-position and sod the tee to drastically improve the area. The tee will remain the same size but the fact that it will be level, aim in a direction towards the landing area,  will allow us now to be able to use the entire teeing area.

Mike O'Neill, GCS

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Re-doing Oak Benches For The Golf Course

Every winter we go through and refurbish numerous course accessories and the oak benches on the course are a part of that process.  As you can see from the pictures above, the benches are first broken down.  We then proceed to use a planer to remove the old cracked stain.  We will then sand them and re-stain with a high quality, marine grade stain.

Mike O'Neill,  GCS