Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Aeration, Dethatching, Healing...All In The Name Of Quality Turf!!

The above photos show the processes involved with providing the kind of conditions we have here at Bellevue.  The necessary evils of aerating and verticutting will go a long way in providing a great golf course next season. We are currently in the process of verticutting fairways and aerating tees.  The fairway are done during periods of dry weather only and we will typically only get 1-2 fairways done a day.  We will complete around 4 tees a day.  The bottom picture shows the greens 1 week after aeration with 5/8" coring tines.  The holes are 60% healed over already thanks to a well timed fertilizer application and some rainfall from mother nature.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ladies Tee On #9 Re-Done.

In the ongoing battle of addressing the most uneven tees on the golf course, we have recently tackled the project of leveling the ladies tee on #9.  This tee was severely crowned in the middle providing a very uneven teeing surface, accounting for the numerous golf balls that land in the pond in front of the tee:).  The above photos show the progression of the process of leveling the 9th ladies tee by the grounds staff.  We removed the existing sod, worked the soil and leveled it with a laser transit and re-installed the same sod.

Mike O'Neill, GCS