Monday, June 30, 2014

Clover And Weed Control!

With the recent dry weather we have been experiencing, out irrigation deficiencies become very noticeable. Sure the grass gets dry and brown looking where the irrigation does not cover, but the by-product of notkeeping healthy full grass with good irrigation is the invasion of weeds and mostly clover! We have been attacking the clover recently with some targeted sprays.  The sprays will work temporarily but the clover and weeds will eventually come back in.  In the end, and with your own home lawn, the best weed control is always a well irrigated, fertilized stand of turf!

Mike O'Neill, GCS

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thin Greens Filling In Nicely, We Needed The Right Weather!

The photo above of the 16th green was taken May 12th.  The photo below was taken June 2nd.  A drastic difference in turf quality considering the hard work it took to get it to the picture below.  We have sodded, seeded and sprigged the green to get it to the point it is now.  The main factor that helped us is the soil temps have come up to a good point which are conducive for seed germination.  The greens that were thin will continue to fill in as we get the warmer weather and our cocktail of fertilizers continues.

Mike O'Neill, GCS