Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Little Things That Make The Course Look Better!

We recently set aside 2 hours to edge out the ragged grass and gravel below the stairs to the men's tee on 8. We then installed some stone we had from other projects and the whole area looks 100 times better.  I am constantly looking to make simple inexpensive changes that better the enjoyment of our members as well as the guests that play the course.  It really does come down to making the "little Things" important!

Mike O'Neill, GCS

Monday, August 4, 2014

Very Wet Lately...

Last week we received 4.5" of rainfall for the week and then Sunday we received an additional 2"!  When we get that much rain in short periods of time, the above photo is the end result.  We end up having about half of our bunkers looking like the above pic of the front bunker on 17 looks like.  This requires a great deal of labor to pump the bunkers, remove rocks and push the sand up onto the bunker faces and get them back into some sort of playable condition.   Not only does this create more work but you can see the soil and rock contamination that occurs every time the bunkers wash out this bad. Without liners in 95% of the bunkers we get a tremendous amount of soil and rock contamination and leaves the bunker in worse shape than it was.  We do our best to remove the noticeable stones but this process makes the bunkers look and play worse and worse....

Mike O'Neill, GCS