Friday, November 13, 2015

Tree Trimming.... A Priority This Winter!

Tree Trimming is an annual maintenance task here on the golf course.  The fact that we have mature hardwood trees on the course creates a lot of work year round from deadwood to limbing to safety concerns for golfers.  The trees on the property are constantly evaluated to determine the necessity of the aforementioned tasks.  This year we will be focusing on tree lines of each hole.  Tree limbs should not hang over or impede a fairway boundary in my opinion.  The goal will be to limb the tree up underneath as well as shape the trees with a boom lift the best we can.  A golfer should have a full swing under each tree as well.

This golf course was not designed with the intention of ending up with all these trees we currently have.  Not mush we can do about that  but maintain safety and keep the course as fair and playable for everybody, of all skill sets.

Mike O'Neill, GCS