Monday, August 29, 2016

Member / Guest 2016 In The Books!

Well the weather and course for this years member / guest turned out beautifully!  We faced many challenges leading up to the event through one of the driest summers on record.  We then received very hot and humid weather leading up to the week of the tournament.  The combination of hot, humid and wet leads to major problems with the greens and survival.  We made some good decisions on mowing and were able to get the greens up to speed by the second day of the event.  Having the event at the end of the summer unlike other clubs is tough as we need to peak for the event after a very tough summer.  The roots are shallow and the turf is beat up but we need to make it happen late in the summer.  I'd like to thank my staff who tirelessly and consistently work their butts off to provide the exceptional conditions the Bellevue members have come to expect.  

Mike O'Neill, GCS