Friday, May 5, 2017

Healthy Rough, Unhappy Golfers!

Our goal, as golf course managers is to provide a healthy and vibrant turfgrass that can withstand the damage delivered to it on a daily basis from golfers and mowers.  Well, we have done that in the instances of our rough here at Bellevue!  We have the thickest rough this side of the Mississippi without a doubt!  This year we ended up lowering the height a half inch to combat how tough the rough is to get out of.  We are also experimenting with growth regulators as you can see by the pictures above.  We just sprayed the rough yesterday with a strong regulator.  We will monitor how the grass responds as we may see some discoloration of the grass from the application.

We are here to provide the best possible playing conditions we can and if that means experimenting with different growth regulators to make the golfing experience more enjoyable,  then that is what we will do!  Please bare with us as we do our best to thin the rough out a bit.  Once and if we get dry weather, the rough should thin out some as well.  Until then, do all you can to put the ball in the fairway or first cut!

Mike O'Neill, GCS