Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cicada Killers in Bunkers.

Many golfers have expressed a concern over the "bees" in the bunkers.  In fact the "bees" are actually called cicada killers.  They burrow into the bunkers to make a nest.  The mating season is mostly July which is why we see them so active now.  They are only visible for a short period of time from July thru August.  Please be advised, the grounds staff has tried everything from wasp spray to tennis rackets and bunker rakes (see above pics of my Assistant Superintendent Mike Kelly on the 15th hole) to eradicate the cicada's.  We have cut the population down some but it is a long term process as they are always on the move.  The cicada's will not sting unless you grab them so please do not treat them like a bee.  The following link will explain everything one would need to know about the cicada killer.  In the meantime we will remain vigilant in our efforts to remove the pest.

Mike O'Neill
Golf Course Superintendent

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