Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Picture of hole #15 a week ago...Screams Donald Ross!

Just a pic of the 15th hole I took a week ago, thought it really looked neat at the time.  This is just a classic Donald Ross green complex, thought I would share.  Enjoy!

Mike O'Neill

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More Tree Trimming with the use of a Boom Lift.

 Hole #13 before pruning.
 Hole #13 after pruning.
 Hole #12 after pruning left side and right side of tee area.
The above pics show the tremendous trimming efforts we have employed during this mild winter.  We have recently rented boom lift for our ongoing annual tree trimming program.  The pics are clear evidence of the need to continue this program each year.  We have been all over the course trimming back overgrown areas that impede the fairness and playablity of each hole.  I really believe the trimming is a necessity since nothing was done, with regards to pruning trees ever it doesn't appear.  This process is also done to cut any deadwood out of the trees around the golf course, which affect the trees health.  Many will appreciate the new open views of many of the holes on the golf course.

Mike O'Neill

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Tee Marker Feature for Broken Tees

The problem of broken tees littered all over the teeing surface starts to really slow down maintenance as well as give the tee area an untidy appearance.  The idea of sticking a separate box out on the tee surface to collect broken tees seems to look a little messy to me.  This year we have drilled a 2" hole in the top of every tee marker on the golf course.  We have done this as an attempt to focus all of the broken tees into the top of the tee marker.  We figured if the tees stay in the tee marker, great, if not the broken tees will be concentrated around the marker to allow a quicker clean up by the maintenance staff.  So please try to place your broken tee in the top of the tee marker to make our job easier as well as allow the tee area to look that much cleaner, Thank you.

Mike O'Neill