Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Tee Marker Feature for Broken Tees

The problem of broken tees littered all over the teeing surface starts to really slow down maintenance as well as give the tee area an untidy appearance.  The idea of sticking a separate box out on the tee surface to collect broken tees seems to look a little messy to me.  This year we have drilled a 2" hole in the top of every tee marker on the golf course.  We have done this as an attempt to focus all of the broken tees into the top of the tee marker.  We figured if the tees stay in the tee marker, great, if not the broken tees will be concentrated around the marker to allow a quicker clean up by the maintenance staff.  So please try to place your broken tee in the top of the tee marker to make our job easier as well as allow the tee area to look that much cleaner, Thank you.

Mike O'Neill

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