Monday, April 2, 2012

The Grass Is Growing!

The early golf season presents many challenges for the maintenance staff, the biggest being devoting much of our work week to keep up with the grass that is growing out of control.  With a limited staff this time of year it makes for a long week for our full-time staff.  What happens is when the plant goes dormant in the fall it stores all of its "Food" or carbs in the crown and root system.  When temps get up in the spring for consecutive days the stored "Food" is release in the form of top growth and the grass grows as aggressively as it will all season.  We have done our best to keep up with the growth but there are certainly thick areas of rough out there on the golf course.  The course is actually pretty clean right now with minimal sticks and debris around so we should be on the right path to a great golfing season.

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