Thursday, August 9, 2012

Irrigation Leaks, We lose More Than Just Water!

We will typically have around 2 dozen irrigation leaks in a season here at Bellevue.  The combination of very poor installation techniques as well as 40 some year old pipe makes for problems all season long.  Some leaks or breaks are minor and some are sever such as this one that happened today right in the middle of the 12th fairway.  Such as the title says, when we have a leak or break we lose a lot more that just the water leaking out of the pipe, we lose valuable labor hours.  A leak like this 4" main line leak ties myself and my 2 assistants up for the entire day when we could be working on something else to better your golf course.  Frustrating as it may be, this repair needs to be made and it needs to be done right to allow the pipe to function properly in the future.  The big problem with the leak pictured above is we have to drain the whole upper half of the irrigation system which is a lot of water lost that we have to pay for.  So in the whole scheme of things, we are losing labor and money tied up in water costs, not to mention the supplies needed to make the repair.

Mike O'Neill, GCS

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