Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Winter Prep For The Golf Course

Well it's that time of year again, the time of year we prep the golf course to go through another Central New York winter.  The winter we had last winter was not much of a winter which allowed us to provide some excellent conditions very early in the Spring as opposed to the long cold winters we typically experience here .  In prepping the golf course for the winter there are many tasks that need to be accomplished before the snow flies.  Pictured above is the application of a snow mold prevention spray.  We spray the greens, tees and fairways just before Thanksgiving to provide winter long control of a potentially devastating disease called snow mold. While spraying the correct chemicals certainly helps, it does not eliminate the even more devastating problem of ice layers on our fine turf.  Ice can suffocate the turf and cause widespread kill very very quickly.  We can only hope that mother nature is as kind as she can be to our golf course through the course of this winter and we can get out there in the Spring as early as possible.

Mike O'Neill, GCS

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