Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thin Areas On Green Edges...A Result Of Green Expansions.

This Spring we have made an aggressive attempt to keep the width of the collars consistent the whole way around the golf course.  Many have noticed the white dots on the collars indicating to the greens mowers where to keep the edge of the green cut as to keep everything consistent.  When we cut these areas down it takes some time to get use to the aggressive nature in which we maintain the greens.  During the last heat wave, regardless of how much water we applied, a lot of these areas thinned out some as you can see from the above picture of the 13th green.  On these areas, we often skip mowing these spots periodically to let them heal back in.  We will start the healing process with some plugs and some seeding of these spots.  It may take some time but eventually all of these areas will look as good as the rest of the green.

Mike O'Neill, GCS

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