Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall/Winter Work Has Begun.

Every Year when the seasonal staff gets laid off we as a grounds staff sit back and evaluate the season. We also formulate a list of to-do projects for the fall to get the course ready for winter and to better our operation for the following season in all aspects.  The irrigation system is something we are continually trying to make better as we often struggle with it during the point in the season when we shouldn't have to worry about it.  In the above photo, we  have placed a irrigation sprinkler in our nursery green that previously did not have any irrigation.  In the past, when the green needed water, we had to run 2-3 lengths of 50 foot hose and set up a portable sprinkler.  Now we just need to turn on a valve and let the sprinkler run.  This small project cost nothing and will pay dividends as far a staff efficiency goes in the future.

Mike O'Neill, GCS

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