Saturday, May 17, 2014

Inter-seeding Bentgrass Into Areas On Greens With Winter Damage.

Many courses in the northeast suffered very severe winter damage this winter.  We are not severe here but we do have some stubborn areas where the turf is not going to come back very quickly.  The top (2) photos are from April 16th, when we manually spiked and seeded the thin areas on the greens with A4 creeping bentgrass.  The bottom (2) photos are from May 15th when we went into these thin areas again with a slit-seeder machine that physically injects seed into a groove made into the green.  This allows for the seed to soil contact we need for effective germination of the seed.  These areas will be nursed back to health with frequent watering to allow for complete germination.  Getting some bentgrass to fill into the voids will go a long way in the future as the bentgrass is way more hardy than the poa annua that populated the thin areas before last winter.  We will repeat the process on any thin areas as we go forward in getting the greens in championship condition!

Mike O'Neill, GCS

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