Monday, October 20, 2014

Drainage #12 Approach

Every year around July, the left side of 12th approach gets wetter and wetter as the season goes on. Lower sun angle and typically wetter weather contributes to the problem.  Recently we have decided to attempt some type of drainage work.  The area is actually the low spot of the entire area so sending the water to another location was not an option.  The soils in this area are very heavy clay which exaggerates the drainage problem.  We have dug several "Sumps" to effectively lower the water table where the water sits.  The idea here is to dry out the surface to allow for a dryer playing surface.  This will allow us to hopefully mow the area regularly with the designated mowing equipment when the area heals back up, and the area will not be totally wet and unplayable.

Mike O'Neill, GCS

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