Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Golf Season Is Approaching, Course Update.

Finally, we are starting to see that there is still actually grass under all that snow cover!  I was starting to wonder!  As mentioned in previous blogs, the course has survived the winter without the damage we had last winter.   We did however experience more than usual snow mold breakthrough on the fairways this year.  The fairways are treated with snow mold prevention fungicides but the prolonged snow cover was too much pressure for the product.  The snow mold damage is on most fairways but is not a big problem going forward as the damage is all cosmetic.  The grass in these areas will eventually grow through the blemishes and fill right in and look normal with some warmer soil temperatures.

Also note the picture of the "Footprints" on the 4th green above.  These footprints were caused by someone and their dog walking on the green while frost was on the green.  We police the course the best we can but for some reason, people seem to think they can walk across the course whenever they want.  This damage will grow out but will take some time and in the meantime will look quite unsightly.  As pictured above, there is still snow in pockets on the course and we will keep everyone informed as to when we will be able to open the course.  Lets think warm weather!

Mike O'Neill, GCS

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