Friday, May 29, 2015

Divot Etiquette On Range

The driving range is a great place to hone your skills and tweak you swing as you so feel necessary. The driving range is an excellent amenity to have for this purpose.  Here at Bellevue we struggle every year with inadequate teeing surface area to accommodate the amount of golfers that use the range tee, usually in the evenings I have noticed.  The above photo was taken of the range tee yesterday which shows an abundance of divots being taken in one spot.  The bottom photo shows how we would prefer divots be taken, with a small gap between each divot.  This small gap will allow the grass to eventually creep back into the void and reduce the healing time needed to achieve 100% coverage of grass again.  Please consider doing this the next time you are on the range tee to allow the tee to stay in much better shape through the course of the season for everyone to enjoy.
Mike O'Neill, GCS

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