Friday, August 26, 2011

Aeration...A Necessary Evil

We all know no one looks forward to the date on the calendar that states when greens aeration will take place.  The truth is, greens aeration is critical in maintaining healthy greens.  The above pics show darker green spots where the aeration took place on the thin collars on holes #12 and #14 a few weeks ago.  The increased air for the roots is the key in addition to better water movement as a result of the holes.  The area on 12 and 14 was sodded and the rest will fill in after we aerate in a week or so.  We will also introduce seed into the thin areas to further promote the grass to fill in.  I once had a mentor at a very prestigious club tell me, "If your not losing any grass on your greens every year, you aren't pushing them hard enough"  This statement is very true in that we could easily provide lush, green, 100% healthy greens every year, but the consistency, firmness and speed would not be up to snuff for the demands of  today's golfers.  We would probably read 8 on the stimp meter daily, instead of an average of 9.5 to 10 daily where we are here at Bellevue.  So in essence, aeration allows us to be very aggressive through the year to provide the conditions every golfer, firm and consistent greens.  If we didn't aerate in the spring and fall, we would not have much grass left on the greens by the end of the summer the way we manage them.

Mike O'Neill
Golf Course Superintendent

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