Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trees and Turf

Last winter 2 Norway Spruce trees were removed next to the pump house near 8 green.   I knew these trees were limiting the morning sunlight to the 8th green.  Morning sun is the most important sunlight the grass plant, or any plant for that matter, receives.  This green has been a major problem since I have arrived here with the stress disease known as Anthracnose.  This disease shows up when the grass is at its weakest and will kill the grass very quickly.  We have struggled with this green thinning out year after year in August and we would apply numerous chemicals to combat the disease. This year I was anxious to see how the improved light to the green would help after we removed the trees. The green now is literally our healthiest green on the golf course.  This is a true testament to the fact that sunlight is crucial to a greens health.  The above pic was taken Tuesday August 2nd, looks pretty good to me!

Mike O'Neill
Golf Course Superintendent

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