Friday, March 1, 2013

New Driving Range Target Flags And Pins

Above is the new look of what we will be installing on the driving range as target flags this spring.  The post is a 4x4 that we will concrete in the ground at every given yardage to create a much neater and more visible target for golfers to aim at while practicing on the driving range.  We feel these pins will be a big improvement for golfers looking to have something a little bigger to aim at as opposed to the skinny, barely visible flags we have had in the past.

Mike O'Neill, GCS


  1. Could we get a lasered yardage posted on each practice tee? Also...could you make the concrete pad a bit larger around the flag (perhaps 3 feet in diameter)? I am sure the range boys would appreciate not having to pivot so hard around the flag when driving that death trap!

  2. Yes Mr. Moore, we can put a marker for yardage to pins on the upper tee as well. Yes, the plan is to concrete them in so we do have a barrier of about that diameter around each pin. Thanks for the comment.
