Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Aerification and Playability for the Stag Day Event.

The aeration process, as many know, has been re-scheduled for Monday the 12th.  Many members have expressed concern regarding the Stag Day and playability following aeration 3 days before the event.  As we have seen in the past, when we are finished with the aeration process and all the holes are filled with sand on Monday, the greens will actually be a lot firmer than before aeration and will actually play fine.  The date is important as we will have an outside contractor come in to "Deep Tine" the greens.  The contractor is only available this date which is a necessary process in the overall health and drainage of the greens.  The aeration process will actually start on Sunday night and be finished up by noon on Monday. We will then be working to fill all of the holes with sand; this is a critical step in ensuring the greens play well right after we are finished.  We will then mow and roll the greens for the days leading up to the event and on the day of the event to ensure a smooth surface.  As many members have witnessed, after we topdress the greens, they are much firmer and really roll well.  This is basically how the greens will be after aeration with the sand acting as barrier between the thatch, increasing ball roll.

Mike O'Neill
Golf Course Superintendent

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