Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fairway Verticutting. Let's thin them out!

We recently purchased a verticutting attachment that mounts on the tractor to thin out our excessively thick fairways.  In the past, we would have an outside contractor aerate the fairway in late September.  The plan now is to attack the playing surface with verticutting to thin out the turf and provide a smoother, consistent playing surface.  As the pictures above indicate, the process is aggressive in removing the thatch in the fairways, the process is also known as de-thatching.  The process is quite messy so there will be some clean-up involved to get the fairways playable again.  The goal is to just do one fairway a day when weather allows, this will keep any disruption to play to a minimum.  The end result will be tighter fairways and a grass plant that will grow more upright for the time being.  This process will also help keep divots nice and neat and much less shaggy.

Mike O'Neill
Golf Course Superiintendent

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