Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The New Chipping Area.

Many have noticed the new chipping area the grounds staff has created for the membership to expand their practice possibilities.  The project took minimal time to complete and the end result I believe is very positive in that it provides the membership with additional options for practicing their short game. The grass used has the same type of grass you would see out on the golf course so we really simulate the golf course playing surface to perfection, which I feel was the whole key to doing this project right.  The new green surround has slopes and undulations just like we would see in real life shot situatios on the golf course.  Please feel free to use this area at your leisure but please remember to take a cart or a divot bottle when you go to practice and fill in the divots you create to allow the area to stay in nice shape for the long term.

Mike O'Neill

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